Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

In recent times, there appears to have been an increasing number of natural disasters occurring, such as the earthquakes in Haiti, Chile, China, and the tsunami experienced in Samoa last year.
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Adolescent sex offenders

Sexual offending continues to be an emotive topic that elicits extensive discussion amongst the general public, scholars, and the legal system
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Always Late!

Nine-year old James is never ready for school on time. It doesn’t matter how much his parents nag or threaten, he is always late.
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Eating disorders: Does thinness make you happy?

This is a question that clinical psychologists ask their clients with eating disorders to think about on a regular basis, alongside “Does thinness make you likeable? and “Does thinness make you successful?”
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Depression: Prevention and Treatment

More people are suffering from depression than ever before. Life is getting more challenging all the time, with increased demands on our time and our energy for work and other commitments,
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Depression: What it’s like

As adults, feeling a little “off colour”, feeling a little “blue”, is a normal part of life, something we are all likely to experience from time to time.
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Depression: Post-natal

There is a myth that motherhood is always wonderful, and that all other mothers cope magnificently. Unfortunately, there is a stigma attached to not coping, and mothers are reluctant to say when things are not going well.
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Children who are Different

9-year old James says homework’s too hard. However, his teachers say that he’s very intelligent, so how can it be too hard? James picks through his food and takes longer than others. He seems “hyped up”, unable to settle down, and it’s late before he finishes his evening routines and goes to sleep. His parents worry that “he’s not achieving his potential”, “he doesn’t have many friends, or can’t maintain his friendships”, “he just doesn’t listen”, and there are arguments and temper outbursts.
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Addictions: Drinking

While many people drink alcohol moderately, there are many others who drink in a problematic way. At the more severe end of drinking behavior is alcohol dependence, a term which covers those who experience symptoms including loss of control over amounts and frequency of drinking, and increasing preoccupation so that drinking takes up a large amount of the person’s time.
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Anxiety: Afraid or Angry?

When human beings think they’re in danger, they react with either ‘fight’ or ‘flight’. These reactions are hard-wired in us, but we all respond differently. A child’s behavior when he is anxious or worried may be in the ‘fight’ mode, with disruptive, oppositional, explosive, angry, or a melt-down – trying to overcome the source of the fear by force.
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