The transition to parenthood for the first time is unsettling, exciting, and profound
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The transition to parenthood for the first time is unsettling, exciting, and profound Dr Fran Vertue
There’s a complicated relationship between people and their stuff, and this relationship can lead people to become compulsive hoarders. Dr Fran Vertue
Everyone has to develop a personal identity (“what are my values and what are my talents”) and a social identity (“who do I fit in with and who do I want to be like”) Dr Fran Vertue
Gossip is practiced everywhere in the world. Unfortunately, gossip has acquired a decidedly shady reputation. Prue Fanselow-Brown
However well it goes, there are times when step-parenting presents a significant challenge, especially in the early years. Alan ProsserIn recent times, there appears to have been an increasing number of natural disasters occurring, such as the earthquakes in Haiti, Chile, China, and the tsunami experienced in Samoa last year. Dr Fran Vertue
Nine-year old James is never ready for school on time. It doesn’t matter how much his parents nag or threaten, he is always late. This is a question that clinical psychologists ask their clients with eating disorders to think about on a regular basis, alongside “Does thinness make you likeable? and “Does thinness make you successful?” Dr Fran Vertue
More people are suffering from depression than ever before. Life is getting more challenging all the time, with increased demands on our time and our energy for work and other commitments, Alan Prosser
As adults, feeling a little “off colour”, feeling a little “blue”, is a normal part of life, something we are all likely to experience from time to time. |
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